“Earlier this year, scientists from the University of Plymouth found that each cycle of a washing machine could release over 700,000 microscopic plastic fibres into the environment.”“However, it is a huge issue, particularly as fast fashion continues to soar – online fast fashion retailer ASOS released today that its 2017-18 profit has risen by 28%. Often fast fashion is concurrent with cheaper clothes and materials, meaning they are often synthetic and a contributor to the problem.”
Fair Trade, Sustainable Production, Fair Wage, Enviromental Exploitation, Anti-Sweatshops, etc. are terms thrown around in the modern day fashion discourse. But what does it all really mean and why do we promote it?
Christmas time is here folks! We love Christmas maybe a little too much here at Adorit. There is something so wonderful about this time of year. We aren’t sick of the snow yet, and the anticipation of a favourite holiday is palpable. We are spending all of our time day dreaming about cozy fires, tummies full of food, and sending quality time with our families. One our favourite things about this time of year is gift giving to those we love. Nothing beats that feeling when you see the joy on someone’s face when they tear thru the wrapping on a gift you picked out especially for them (and you had probably been hiding under your bed for weeks). Whether...
Eco-fabric has been gaining steady popularity in our increasingly environmentally aware world. But do these fabrics, even if good for mother earth, deserve to be in your closet for this new fall season? Well those of us at Adorit say “Yes!” and are here to tell you about the advantages of these sustainably made fabrics. What are eco-fabrics? Eco-fabrics are made from fibers that are not in contact with the use of any pesticides or chemicals during the growth process. Pesticides, although helpful in preventing damage to crops, can have dire long term effects on other plants, animals, and us! When the chemicals in pesticides are washed away by rainfall, these chemicals enter the soil. This can interfere with future...
This month's post is celebrating our ten year anniversary and we wanted to take time to say how much we love and cherish all our incredible customers! So much has changed in these years from opening a shop during a pre social media time, to now - living in a digital age where social media and online are gaining more and more popularity. We couldn't have come this far without all of you, our supporters, you have come out in crazy weather, you have listened to our story and you have supported us not only with purchasing Fair Trade goods but also by kind words, friendly smiles and over the years turning customers into friends. With this huge milestone just...